Medical Articles News

Back Pain after Car Accidents

Car accidents are associated with negative health effects, including injuries which cause back pain. Every year in the United States, more than 2.5 million people are taken to the emergency room due to car accidents (Atlantic Brain & Spine, 2018). In most cases, victims begin experiencing pain in their back or neck afterwards. Discogenic and facet joint pain are the most common types of pain experienced after the injuries, but timely physical therapy helps to manage the pain or even eliminate it, thus giving patients a chance for complete recovery.

Back injuries caused by car accidents are debilitating and extremely painful. The most common injuries generating pain in the back are facet joint and disc injuries (Goguen, n.d). Discogenic pain occurs due to damage in the spinal disc. The pain is intense, especially when one or more spinal discs are damaged (Goguen, n.d). Discogenic pain is attributed to the gradual deterioration of the condition or due to sudden trauma. On the other hand, facet joint pain is associated with spasms, which may force the spine to get out of the alignment which leads to back pain (Goguen, n.d). Facet joint pain can also be caused by nerve irritation or aggravation of the joint. Back pain after car accidents is very common and may not develop immediately (Goguen, n.d). Therefore, one should get a medical checkup after being involved in a motor accident.

Physical therapy is significant in treating back injuries if the episodes of pain have been lasting between two to six weeks. One of the primary benefits of physical therapy is the therapists’ approach that considers the patient’s age, body type, lifestyle, prevailing health conditions, and response to various types of movement (Spine Works Institute, n.d.). In addition, physical therapy considers the gait as well as the sitting and lying position, which helps in suggesting the appropriate exercise for reducing the pain. Moreover, physical therapists restore the patients’ mobility by identifying the root cause of back pain (Spine Works Institute, n.d.). In some cases, physical therapy may even help avoid surgery since the approach attempts to resolve back pain problems conservatively. Physical therapy decreases the risk of further injury if the victim is required to do repetitive movements (Spine Works Institute, n.d.). Physical therapists help patients determine the best plan for managing back pain depending on possible causal factors.

After the accident, one should seek physical therapy to maintain the future quality of life. Regardless of the seriousness of a car accident, the exerted force has the potential of causing some damage (Premiere Chiropractic & Sports Medicine, 2020). Physical therapy is an essential part of the recovery process. A patient may require assistance in reducing stiffness and pain, as well as in gaining flexibility and strength, which is possible only with the help of a specialist. Physical therapy is crucial in preventing injuries that may cause long-term damage (Premiere Chiropractic & Sports Medicine, 2020). Rehabilitation exercises ensure the movement of blood and oxygen to the damaged regions, thereby enhancing the healing process. The key to reducing pain after an accident is engagement in physical exercises with the assistance of a therapist (Premiere Chiropractic & Sports Medicine, 2020). Physical therapy after an accident helps with quick recovery and elimination of back pain.

Back pain as a consequence of a car accident is common and results from sustained injuries. The most common types of back pain are discogenic pain, which arises from spinal disc damage, and facet joint pain, which is caused by misalignment or irritation of the joints. In these cases, physical therapy is essential as it allows to solve the problem using a conservative approach. After an accident, a victim should engage in physical therapy regardless of the severity of their health condition to ensure the quality of life does not suffer in future.

Medical Articles News

Primary Care Doctors Intervention

A primary care doctor is a health practitioner who helps patients manage their health. The doctor mostly addresses preventive care demands, such as routine physicals check-ups, immunizations, and screenings. Primary care providers also assist in diagnosing and treatment of common chronic conditions such as hypertension or diabetes. They work alongside other community care providers to identify, respond, mitigate, and report health deviations in communities. As the name suggests, primary care doctors offer the first medical intervention within communities.

Before preventative care was embraced, health-seeking behavior was associated with deviation from optimum health. Patients used to see doctors only when they were seriously ill or dying. Conventionally, preventive health care has become popular based on the successful promotion of its ideals. People are proactively seeking medical advice on the ways of living a healthy lifestyle (Bednarczyk et al., 2018). With the increase in Global Disease Burden, people are concerned with the means of lowering the risks of various diseases or conditions by maintaining a healthy diet, weight, and physical activities (Bednarczyk et al., 2018). The advent of primary doctors has promoted healthy consciousness among people. The primary doctors are advising their patients to go for regular check-ups to stay healthy. The annual routine check-ups include blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), physical examination, preventive screening, and counseling (“Why your annual check-up”, 2015). Doctors are important primary care promoters; they emphasize the importance of prevention as a means of reducing health risks and hospital visits (Bednarczyk et al., 2018). Regular check-ups help in identifying possible health issues before they acerbate. Making doctor visits a routine promotes early detection of possible health deviation and ensures early and appropriate intervention. Check-ups ensure early disease detection, which is an essential part of healthy living (Bednarczyk et al., 2018). All the care interventions revolve around the primary doctor.

Regular check-ups have several health benefits to individuals. It reduces the risk of becoming seriously ill since they help in prior detection of life-threatening diseases. The doctors also enhance the chances of an effective treatment and limit the risks of incidences by carefully monitoring any existing conditions. Regular check-ups reduce healthcare costs through early detection and intervention (“Why your annual check-up”, 2015). Check-ups also foster a good patient-caregiver partnership, which is important in the care environment. The relationship between patients and doctors can determine the patient’s care outcome. Usually, an enabling care environment allows patients to be honest and open with their doctor (Bednarczyk et al., 2018). Such patients can easily express their health issues such as drug use, depression, domestic violence, and stress, topics that are sometimes considered difficult to discuss (Bednarczyk et al., 2018). The check-ups also ensure up to date medical records on interventions such as immunization or vaccinations (“Why your annual check-up”, 2015). In essence, check-ups encourage personalized health care since the primary doctor is equipped with their patient’s data. With such data, the doctor can evaluate the personal risk factors, evaluate care needs, and recommend appropriate lifestyle change if necessary.

Primary care doctors are extremely important because they are the first point of care intervention at the lowest level of the healthcare system. Their primary role is to offer preventative care, diagnosing and treating a broader range of health issues. The doctors expertly guide the patients on the steps of seeking proper health care services. In addition, the caregivers administer routine check-ups that help in the prevention and managing of various health conditions. A well-managed primary care system reduces the disease burden at the curative level, which ultimately characterizes many care settings.

Medical Articles News

Neck pain after car accident

Car accidents are common nowadays and their occurrence cause immediate confusion that usually leaves the casualties in a state where they don’t realize that they are injured. Therefore, such individuals end up experiencing post car accident symptoms that can take a substantial period to recognize. Thus, it is important that whenever people are involved in any car accident, whether they still feel okay in the moments after such incident, to go to a therapist for neck pain diagnosis and after trauma services. Such a decision is significant because if such an accident is taken lightly it can cause whiplash, a condition that is characterized by a vigorous forward and backward movement of the head, thereby causing neck pain. Moreover, there are different reasons why it is important for the patient to seek the attention of the therapist immediately after an accident.

Firstly, a car accident affects different tissues of the neck including joints, muscles, bone, nerves, and ligaments. Whiplash in particular cause transformations to other body mechanisms, especially those that support body balance, hearing, cognitive processing, and vision. Therefore, the casualty need to see the therapist immediately after the accident for the necessary therapeutic massages to align such affected tissues into their normal functioning. Otherwise, failure to seek such immediate services can lead to post-car accidents, including neck and shoulder pains, lingering headaches, concussion, post-trauma stress, tension, swelling and stiffness, burning sensation, bruising and discoloration, numbness, and abnormal pain and nausea. Therefore, the physician is responsible for examining the state of the patient, thereby offering a relevant prescription or diagnosis to avert post-car accident symptoms.

Secondly, sometimes car accidents can cause internal bleeding and break the facet joints that cannot be easily seen by human eyes. Therefore, however how the patient is feeling alright needs to be examined by medical experts to help in fixing any broken or affected internal tissues. For instance, facet joints are usually two and are found on either side of the hind of each vertebra in the neck. Such joints are responsible for neck movements, including nodding the head or turning. Moreover, such parts are amalgamated by cartilage in the neck, surrounded by a capsule containing synovial fluid, thus susceptible to injury during car accidents. Therefore, the patient must seek the therapist’s attention for examination of such joints through standard X-rays because, unlike cracks or fissures in the lumbar region, such joints cannot be readily seen through the naked eyes. The physician can do a CT scan to assess more information regarding the affected spinal structure. Thus, immediate scanning of the neck area can help to assess the affected facet joints, thereby recommending the most suitable treatment process.

Thirdly, other accidents that result from stiff neck or other delayed signs can develop if the causality assumes that he or she is surprisingly fine immediately after a car accident. Some of such mishaps that follow after stiff neck include auto accident that is responsible for whiplash injury, especially when the passenger is hit from behind, fall from height that can effectuate serious bodily concussion, recreational accident, and high-impact sports collision, especially during car-sporting activities or during soccer or hockey when players crash into each other. Therefore, any type of hit on the neck area require immediate attention from the qualified medical professional. Hence, it is important for the patients to comply to the therapist’s guidelines before proceeding with their normal activities.

            Overall, car accidents cause significant effects to the casualties, including neck pain. However, most patients never experience such effects immediately an accident occurs. Therefore, such a situation necessitates the importance for such casualties to see the physical therapist immediately for therapeutic massage services, examination and diagnosis of facet joints, and prevent other subsequent or post car accident symptoms, including accidents associated with neck or head regions. Hence, the physician is responsible to examine, diagnose, scan, and offer relevant treatment for any neck problem, especially from a car accident.

Medical Articles News

Medical Marijuana Doctor

A Medical Marijuana Doctor

          The concept that Marijuana (Cannabis Sativa) has health benefits to the patients is a new phenomenon in the medical community. The administration of the substance is coupled with significant challenges among the physicians, especially when they are entangled between its legal aspect and the ethical dilemma based on its health benefits (Grinspoon, 2020). Therefore, a medical marijuana doctor is health personnel who knows and understands the potential health benefits of the substance to his or her patients, and he or she is enthusiastic to circumnavigate uncharted lawful areas to offer the most effective treatment possible (Grinspoon, 2020). Such a physician understands both the legal characteristic and the medical implication of the substance (Grinspoon, 2020). Indeed, according to Grinspoon (2020), Cannabis Sativa has raised great controversies, thereby remaining an illegal drug to federal law while other countries decriminalizing its use for medical purposes and permitting marijuana dispensaries. Therefore, such a doctor is always alert, keen, and sensitive to both abiding to state laws and examining frequent changes in such policies to boost his or her service delivery to the sick patients who require help.

Importance of Medical Marijuana Doctors in helping Patients

          Medical marijuana doctors are important in helping out their patients for many reasons. Firstly, they are highly trained to understand the conditions and problems of their patients. Thus, any patient who goes to them is sure that he or she can get the help he or she needs. Secondly, such doctors understand both legal and healthy benefits of marijuana. Therefore, they incorporate effective navigation mechanisms through any legal barrier to offer specific relief that their patients need. Thirdly, they understand specific gains of the substance, including its property to reduce nausea in sick people who are undergoing chemotherapy treatment process, suffering from anxiety, multiple sclerosis, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and to patients who need to minimize the frequency of seizures in their epileptic condition (Grinspoon, 2020). Additionally, marijuana doctors understand that the drug yields positive results to patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease, thereby helping to eliminate tremors in such a condition. Thus, such medical personnel offer great help to their patients because they understand the best way to handle the patient’s condition. Moreover, the issue concerning the use of marijuana is technical, especially to patients, whereby the users fear to share with their doctors for further help. However, when the marijuana physician understands such anxieties among their patients, they can be of great help to their sick individuals who cannot readily share their circumstances due to fear of being criticized or chided (Grinspoon, 2020). Therefore, patients need to be free and honest with their doctors and to develop high levels of trust and expectations in them.

Benefits of visiting a medical marijuana doctor

          Different benefits are associated with the reasons for going to a medical marijuana doctor. Such gains are characterized by the important healthy features that marijuana has over different conditions of sick patients. For instance, patients visit their doctors because they need to relieve pain and relax their muscles. Such treatments are possible because the substance is a fantastic muscle relaxant and believed to minimize tremors associated with Parkinson’s disease (Grinspoon, 2020). It also helps to address other health conditions associated with chronic pain, including interstitial cystitis, fibromyalgia, arthritis, migraine, and endometriosis (Grinspoon, 2020). Additionally, patients find it essential to visit their medical marijuana doctors when they are suffering from glaucoma or want to manage their weight loss or nausea (Grinspoon, 2020). Furthermore, the substance is also used to relieve pain accompanying the wasting syndrome of HIV, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis and severe bowel syndrome (Grinspoon, 2020). Hence, provided the health benefits of marijuana, patients can always find reasons to go to their medical marijuana doctors to seek appropriate help. Moreover, medical marijuana doctors need to be allowed to use marijuana for medical purposes because of the significant health benefits associated with the substance. Thus, the patients would be highly encouraged to share their experiences with their doctors without fear.

Medical Articles News

COVID-19 Virus

The winter of 2020 brought alarming news about the emergence in China and the beginning of the active spread around the world of the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which causes the disease under the international name COVID-19. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an illness caused by a new coronavirus strain referred to as the acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2), initially called 2019-nCoV (WHO, 2020). The disease was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province in China following a respiratory illnesses outbreak in the city. COVID-19 was reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) on 31st December 2019 and declared a global pandemic on 30th January 2020 (WHO, 2020). Since the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic, the disease have spread around the world, infecting millions of people and showcasing that symptoms and severity of this illness may vary regionally, but have particular indications that are common globally.

COVID-19 presents itself in various ways depending on the individual and geographical location. However, the most common symptoms of COVID-19 that are known globally are fever, dry cough, and fatigue (WHO, 2020). However, other symptoms are less prevalent but might show in some patients. These include loss of taste or smell, nasal congestions, sore throats, conjunctivitis or red eyes, headaches, muscle and joint pains, skin rashes, nausea, dizziness, and diarrhea (WHO, 2020). In the cases of severe COVID-19 disease, the symptoms may also incorporate shortness of breathing, lack of appetite, persistent pain and pressure in the chest, and high temperatures above 38°C (WHO, 2020). Other uncommon symptoms include irritability, confusion, anxiety, sleep disorders, reduced consciousness, and depression (WHO, 2020). In some extreme cases, COVID-19 victims might develop severe but rare neurological complications such as strokes, delirium, brain inflammation, and nerve damages (WHO, 2020). WHO cautioned that any individual, who experiences fever and cough, as well as breathing difficulties or chest pains, should seek immediate medical care as these are the most common symptoms of COVID-19.

Prevention of COVID-19 depends on a good understanding of its etiology, epidemiology, and origins. The disease is largely transmitted through direct contact with the respiratory droplets of an infected individual, which usually comes from coughs or sneezes (Bender, 2020). People can also be infected through being in contact with an infected individual or touching the contaminated surfaces. It is a known fact that the COVID-19 virus can survive on the surfaces for many hours but simple disinfectants can kill it (WHO, 2020). Therefore, frequent disinfection of surfaces and objects that are regularly touched is recommended as one of the ways of curbing the spread of the disease. Other common preventive measures in the fight against COVID-19 include staying home when feeling sick with flu-like symptoms (Bender, 2020). Frequent washing of the hands with soap and water has also been hailed as an effective preventive measure against the virus (WHO, 2020). WHO also recommended that one should cover the mouth or nose with a flexed elbow or a tissue to prevent the droplets from reaching the person in proximity. Avoiding a gathering and maintaining a safe distance from one another also serves as a preventive action against the spread of the disease (WHO, 2020). In cases where public interactions are inevitable, such as in public places, one should put on a mask and maintain a 1.5-meter social distance from other people (WHO, 2020). In response to the pandemic, different countries in collaboration with the public health officers have initiated varied preventive actions since the onset of the COVID-19, including the partial and full lockdowns to limit the interactions of people and spread of the disease.

The outbreak of COVID-19 has been declared an international health emergency since the virus has spread in virtually every country around the globe. While more laboratory tests are still conducted on the virus, it is apparent that the disease is transmitted through direct contact with the respiratory droplets of an infected individual generated from sneezing or coughing. The common symptoms include fever, dry coughs, and fatigue. As COVID-19 continues to spread, people are advised to take daily preventive actions such as washing hands, wearing masks, and avoiding crowds to prevent further transmissions of COVID-19, the pandemic that continues to impact lives across the world.

Medical Articles News


According to a report by North Dakota Health (2020), Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a laboratory test method that looks at the presence of the genetic material of the virus in the throat, nose, and other respiratory organs/ area. This method is used to determine if there is an active infection with the SARS-CoV-2. The test is taken by swabbing the nose and/ or throat by a healthcare provider. The swab is then taken to the laboratory for testing. The report also says that the testing can be done through rapid testing whereby the individual avails themselves at the doctor’s office and the test is taken. The difference between these two methods is that in rapid testing, the results are available quickly compared to the former.

The results of a PCR test are either positive or negative. Guglielmi (2020) says that a positive test result implies that one has the virus that causes Covid-19. People with positive test results should be put in isolation for a minimum of 10days after symptoms begin to show and people with no symptoms such as fever are required to quarantine for approximately 10days after the day of their test. On the other hand, a negative PCR test means that one does not have the SAR-CoV-2 virus. This does not, however, mean that the individual is clear of the infection. For people previously exposed to the virus and in quarantine, negative results do not mean that they are clear of the infection. North Dakota Health, (2020) advise continued quarantine whereby the symptoms are monitored by the health care providers.

Having a PCR test is beneficial in different ways. To start with, the test is beneficial in showing if one has an active infection. Even though doctors say that this method is expensive (especially in private hospitals), it is effective in determining if one is infected and contagious to other people (PTI, 2020). May (2020) however argues that this method produces false negatives. At times, this molecular laboratory test has shows that one does not have the virus while in the real sense, they do. This is why, it is advisable for people in isolation to stay for further 14 days after a test, to determine the presence of the virus through the return of symptoms Guglielmi (2020). Second, this method is said to be minimally invasive. As earlier mentioned, PCR tests only use swabs in the nose, throat, and other respiratory areas, and/ or saliva and other body fluids. As such, it is easy to contact, for both healthcare practitioners and the individual. However, May (2020) says that the method is uncomfortable for some people. Deep nasal swaps cause discomfort to some people, especially children.

This method is partially not helpful in some cases. As explained by the report by North Dakota Health (2020), this method is only useful in determining the presence of the virus in the event of testing. it does not, therefore, determine if the person had the virus before the testing. also, it does not predict the occurrence of active infection in people who have been infected in two weeks after exposure. Besides, the report says that the test may fail to detect the presence of the virus in the respiratory tract days after exposure. This is because, in some people, the virus is only present for a few days, at the beginning of the infection.

Medical Articles News

Medical Marijuana Clinic

Medical marijuana is one of the few subjects that continue to stir up heated debates among policymakers, researchers, scientists, and doctors. The debate has risen to new echelons with the opening of medical marijuana clinics. Notably, these clinics are certified health institutions that utilize medical marijuana to treat their patients. The use of medical marijuana dates back to ancient times, but with the opening of the clinics, it has gained acceptance among most societies.

Medical marijuana clinics have become a norm among neighborhoods in some states, such as Florida in the United States, Canada, and some European countries like the United Kingdom. Even though the clinics still face objections from different society’s factions, the neighborhoods they serve cannot ignore their importance. Just as synthetic drugs, marijuana medication is not a one size fits all line treatment. Cannabidiol is one of the major components found in cannabis that has anti-inflammatory effects on the central nervous system.

Medical marijuana clinics guarantee their patients a chance to interact with experienced healthcare staff. Legalizing cannabis in most neighborhoods is likely to lead up to the cropping of marijuana retail outfits. Unlike such outlets, medical marijuana clinics are staffed with experienced and well-meaning staff that are cannabis’ enthusiasts. When treating medical conditions with marijuana, patients want to trust the people they share their health information with. Medical cannabis physicians have the expertise that ensures patients get the desired treatment outcomes. In essence, medical marijuana clinics are operated by licensed staff because medical cannabis is different from recreational cannabis.

Medical marijuana clinics are stocked with niche products from licensed producers that give attention to quality and quantity. Legitimate clinics connect their patients with licensed producers from all over the world. Notably, some clinics are even licensed producers themselves, which guarantees the patients of getting harmless marijuana products. Dealing with licensed producers with niche products in the clinics makes it possible for them to get things like cannabidiol oils, which cannot be found in recreational outlets.

Medical clinics provide patients with quality products, saving them from getting materials from the recreational markets that tend to tolerate low-quality cannabis stock. Besides not getting the strain or product that one needs to treat a condition, recreational cannabis might not have medical-grade cannabis. The clinics provide patients with quality products that are effective for the treatment of their disease.

The clinics provide their clients with the correct medical marijuana dosage, which might be challenging to get in the recreational outlets. The expert and knowledgeable staff at the clinics provide patients with precision and ease, the right prescription (Tzilos et al., 2013). Additionally, they help with every step of finding the correct combination of dosages and strains. Medical marijuana clinics’ staff have the expertise to help their patients create an effective treatment plan or adjust it.

The decriminalization of marijuana in most countries will find people carrying cannabis in large quantities for their recreational or personal use. However, this does not mean that they cannot get charged for trafficking if they violate the prescribed amounts one ought to carry. Medical marijuana patients might need higher doses than the legal quantity; thus, they require authorization. The clinics provide with the correct dosage and approval, ensuring that the patients remain to be law-abiding.


What is Allergy Medicine/Testing?

Allergies are autoimmune conditions resulting from an overreaction to a harmless substance as if it is harmful. The materials or substances that cause the immune system to react are called allergens. However, there are no universal allergens because what might pose as a life-threatening response in one person may not harm another person. Allergic reactions have the same physiological mechanisms in every person. Allergens gain entry into the body through ingestion, inhalation, skin contact, and mucous membranes. As such, white blood cells produce antibodies that bind to mast cells. The rapture of mast cells releases biochemical substances like histamine. Itchy, watery eyes, scratchy throat, running nose, and body rashes are some of the allergy symptoms. Allergy symptoms vary based on allergy-causing materials; however, all of them can harm the respiratory and digestive systems and skin. Based on the characteristics of allergens, allergy medicine/testing is the process of examination to ascertain the possibility of allergic reactions to substances or allergens. Therefore allergy medicine encompasses several aspects such as the determination of allergens and respective allergic reactions, the definition of symptoms, prevention, and treatment options.

How Is It Beneficial, and Why Is It Important?

Allergy medicine is essential because it helps stop dangerous allergic reactions in the body. Medications such as antihistamines, nasal steroids, and decongestants are vital in restraining allergy symptoms. However, the most excellent way to avoid a reaction is to get rid of allergens. The most effective medication for allergy is the one that relieves symptoms without interfering with everyday tasks. The medication for an allergy should allow long term use because some allergies last for an entire season. Most importantly, allergy medications should minimally react with other medications.

What Are the Main Tests, and How Could They Help the Patients in the Long Run?

Trained allergy specialists conduct allergy tests. The main purpose of allergy testing is to establish if the body has an allergic reaction to a known substance. Allergy testing determines the specific pollens, molds, or other substances to which patients may be allergic. Allergy testing takes the form of either a blood test, a skin test, or elimination of diet. The process of allergy testing involves a doctor establishing some facts about the patient. These include the patient’s lifestyle, family history, and medical history, among others. The allergy specialist will also determine the type of test depending on whether the medicine one takes prevents or reduces reactions to substances; whether there is a skin condition that may make skin testing impossible, whether the patient has ever had a previous allergic reaction with severe symptoms, and whether the patient has had a positive skin test to any foods. Skin testing involves evaluating the suspected environmental allergies like certain drug allergies, food allergies, and stinging insect allergies. The allergen is placed on the patient’s skin, and results are observed within 15 minutes.

The blood test involves IgE tests and is conducted when skin testing is not advisable. The blood test is advisable for patients with dermatographism conditions and skin rashes/lesions. Patients who cannot discontinue antihistamines can undergo a blood test. The blood tests help discover other disorders that the immune system, including angioedema, primary immunodeficiency disorders, and chronic urticarial. Another specific test is the patch test. A patch test involves a doctor putting a small amount of drug on the patient’s skin. After 2 to 4 days, the allergist checks for a reaction. The test is useful for discovering delayed allergic reactions to antibiotics, anticonvulsants, and other drugs. Allergy testing is important in the long run as it helps people be aware of possible allergic reactions that may be hazardous to their health. Therefore people can avoid contact with the potential allergens. In cases of emergencies, healthcare professionals can react promptly and prevent adverse health outcomes when existing allergies are already known. Testing also contributes to research, especially in the development of treatment and management options.